Front Door Portraits - Covid 19 Style
The girls ticked off many new accomplishments and the one I managed to stick with was a semi impromptu front door portrait series. We had many walks around the block, seeing friends and neighbours behind their fences keen for chats or to share a drink (byo glass obviously). So it seemed only right to take some photos, any excuse really.
It helped keep the portrait photographer in me happy and gave the girls a break from being chased around by me and my canon.
After I took the photos and we discussed the selection I asked everybody what they would like to keep from the whole COVID 19 home isolation experience as we start to wind back the clock, un-distance ourselves and return to a new normal.
As the reality of home detention settled in, like a comfy old pair of tracky dacks, we created a wish list of “to do’s”. Not surprisingly it was my list that had the least amount of ticks on it, something to do with my government-issued career as a school teacher and an overwhelming case of inertia most likely caused by the uncertainty of this pandemic.
The girls ticked off many new accomplishments and the one I managed to stick with was a semi impromptu front door portrait series. We had many walks around the block, seeing friends and neighbours behind their fences keen for chats or to share a drink (byo glass obviously). So it seemed only right to take some photos, any excuse really.
It helped keep the portrait photographer in me happy and gave the girls a break from being chased around by me and my canon.
After I took the photos and we discussed the selection I asked everybody what they would like to keep from the whole Covid 19 home isolation experience as we start to wind back the clock, un-distance ourselves and return to a new normal.
Here are my gorgeous friends and neighbours with their profound and funny answers.
Lee & Betty.
So far, I don't think the improvement in our environment has received nearly as much attention as it should have. I'm hoping that, when things get back to "normal", people will realize that the evidence of our effect on the environment is clear and that there are solutions at hand. My hope is that people will continue to work from home, that we will continue to use our cars less, that we will want do more to stop the increase in pollution and that we will accept that it is possible to change the environment for the better.
Deb, Tim, & Charlie & Storm.
As for what we’ll miss once things normalise, I think it’ll be the simplicity of life......not needing to be anywhere or do anything, embracing the chilled lifestyle.
Emma Darren, Darcy & Abbey.
I would like to keep no traffic. I am very keen to have people keep washing their hands well and staying home of they are sick. Extra kindness and appreciation of a simpler life and homemade teats and activities and an awareness of how our actions affect other people. We are so lucky to live in a country where we have the resources and enough will and compassion to be able to look after each other. Oh and respect for science.
Felicity, Sam, Milly, Issy & Ellie.
Here are some thoughts.
We have grown to love the daily ritual of meals prepared and shared together. Normally eating is done in a hurry... a quick pitstop on the way to somewhere else, most often consumed at the kitchen bench. There's something so beautiful about taking the time to sit and talk together. We go around the table and ask each person "what was the best part of your day?" and usually everyone ends up listing more than one thing. As some wise person once said, it's hard to be sad or angry when you're feeling grateful.
Sarah, Hamish, Frankie & Indie.
It’s been pretty nice getting out and walking a lot more than I normally would. Enjoying the view of our beautiful beaches and appreciating being in Australia right now!
Petrea, Gus, Clive & Arthur.
Pretending I’m going to the gym by live-streaming a F45 class whilst having a coffee...
Vanessa: The quantity and quality time with the kids (they will be all grown up and out of the house soon and having so much time with them when they aren’t feeling the need be somewhere else has been the best!)
Linda, Poppy & Duke.
I think bringing life back to basics for my kids has been paramount. I have really noticed being present means so much to our relationship. It’s evolved in doing so, so keeping life simple & bring present with them will remain the same for us
I would like to hold onto the slower rhythm and simpler way of life that I have come to appreciate and the maintaining of community and kindness.
Marianna, Danny & Zoey.
I would like to keep days like the one in the picture, staying home, bbqing on our deck and the three of us being together. No pressure to be anywhere except with each other.
Marie, Demetris, Titouan & Marin.
During the isolation, I have loved seeing how nature in all its forms has taken over. I hope it made more people realise how the way we live impacts the world we live in and most importantly how quickly things can be turned around for the better if we're willing to put in the effort.
Mark, Oxanna & Philip.
The one thing that Oxana and I will miss from home isolation (and unemployment) is having more time to enjoy with each other.